The Toronto Birth Centre is a unique space, led by Indigenous community members, including midwives, where pregnant people in the care of midwives can labour and give birth. Seventh Generation is only one of many clinics that work with the TBC and we are located directly above them.

Their vision is for people, families, and communities to access culturally rich and culturally safer birthing care, rooted in the resurgence and celebration of the knowledges and cultures of First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples.

The Indigenous midwives, community members and staff of the TBC continue to live their ways of life, grow and reclaim their knowledge(s) and practices, and care for themselves and their communities in the face of ongoing colonial impositions and injustice. The TBC knows that many other communities are also living under assault from the systems implemented here on our lands. The TBC believes that by joining our intentions and actions together we can multiply our shared strengths towards justice for us all. The TBC prioritizes sharing the space at the TBC especially with other communities that continue to feel the impacts of unjust systems, as we work to increase cultural safety.

The TBC is committed to Indigenous cultural integrity, which includes integrating Indigenous ways of seeing, being, knowing, doing and celebrating into birthing space. You are invited into the TBC, where your own cultural practices are respected, honoured and valued. This is the TBC;s vision of the way to achieve optimal health and wellness for everyone.

For more information, visit their website at or click on their logo below to be redirected to their site.